Surviving Cancer

Either you or someone you know may end up getting diagnosed with cancer during your lives, best brush up on it. More than 1 million people in the United States alone get cancer each year, and as of 2009, a total of 562,340 deaths from cancer were projected to occur in the United States yearly.


Under Pressure

One out of 3 adults will be diagnosed with High Blood Pressure by age 30, Once this becomes chronic, it can lead to heart disease and many life threatening conditions. I have helped thousands of clients to reverse High Blood Pressure and you do not have to suffer with this condition. It is very common in people with high



When Selena Gomez went into stage 4 of Lupus Disease, Lupus Nephritis, she was in dire need of a kidney transplant. Luckily, her best friendwas a match and she is now in remission. Her career and the stress of living in the spotlight at such a young age, likely contributed to the severity of her[…]

Gut Microbes call the shots

You can often find me researching the areas of health most intriguing to my members. When I discovered the importance of the Microbiome (the bacteria that reside in defensible areas of the human body) in around 2008, the first thing I did was change the diet of my family and I. In the 10 years[…]